Striking a balance Striking a balance January 9, 2012 The 3rd World Rice Conference India’s export machine emerged as the talk of the town in Ho...Read More
Women of war turn to rice in Burundi Women of war turn to rice in Burundi October 6, 2011 Burundi is a small landlocked country in Central Africa.Longstanding tribal conflicts in the country broke out into...Read More
Changing the face of rice Changing the face of rice April 4, 2011 What does it take to attain global food security? This is a question for which rice provides...Read More
The hand that rocks the thresher The hand that rocks the thresher April 1, 2011 “Yes!” was the answer of women participants in a leadership training course when the facilitator asked them,...Read More
Volatile markets, cautious traders Volatile markets, cautious traders January 26, 2011 New risk elements and climate change dominated the proceedings of The Rice Trader’s (TRT) second World Rice...Read More
Asia pushes for sustainable food security Asia pushes for sustainable food security January 7, 2011 The Asia Society and the International Rice Research Institute task force report, Never an Empty Bowl: Sustaining...Read More
The rise of rice The rise of rice January 7, 2011 Rice will never be just another commodity. Much of the truth behind this simple statement can be...Read More
Rice for future generations Rice for future generations January 7, 2011 The International Rice Research Institute, in partnership with AsiaCongress, held its Third International Rice Congress (IRC2010)...Read More
For the want of rice For the want of rice July 1, 2010 In 2008, the Saudi Binladin Group began negotiations with the Indonesian government to invest US$4.3 billion in...Read More
The global rice market: Where is it going? The global rice market: Where is it going? April 14, 2010 Global rice prices started moving upward in November 2009 after months of steadily declining since reaching their...Read More