The global rice market pauses The global rice market pauses March 15, 2010 For the first time since the crisis in late 2007, new uncertainties plague the global rice market....Read More
Climate change and supply concerns dominate World Rice Conference Climate change and supply concerns dominate World Rice Conference January 21, 2010 The first World Rice Conference organized by The Rice Trader in Mactan, Cebu, Philippines, on 27-29 October...Read More
Asian consumption to drive markets in 2009 Asian consumption to drive markets in 2009 April 24, 2009 The global financial crisis may have slowed the consumption of various commodities, but Asian demand for grains...Read More
World Rice Commerce 2008: price volatility set to continue World Rice Commerce 2008: price volatility set to continue January 26, 2009 Sustained price volatility” was the conclusion at the 7th World Rice Commerce 2008 Conference held in Chiang...Read More
Considering gender Considering gender January 15, 2007 In many developing countries, women are the primary managers and users of natural resources. Poor rural women...Read More
The year that put rice back on the map The year that put rice back on the map April 24, 2005 The International Year of Rice has come and gone. The United Nations declared the rice year to...Read More