Moving beyond reaching women in seed systems development Moving beyond reaching women in seed systems development March 4, 2022 The importance of seed systems to empower women has so far been neglected. Applying gender analysis to...Read More
Profit efficiency of smallholder vegetable farms in Nepal: Implications for improving household income Profit efficiency of smallholder vegetable farms in Nepal: Implications for improving household income February 18, 2022 Vegetable farming is an important sub-sector to increase income, reduce poverty, and improve nutrition, particularly in the...Read More
Impacts of COVID-19 on the fisheries and aquaculture sector in developing countries and ways forward Impacts of COVID-19 on the fisheries and aquaculture sector in developing countries and ways forward February 8, 2022 COVID-19 has impacted almost all sectors of the global economy. Due to the continuous, restrictive measures imposed...Read More
Technology transfer in the agriculture sector: Implementation experiences of WeRise in Indonesia and the Philippines Technology transfer in the agriculture sector: Implementation experiences of WeRise in Indonesia and the Philippines January 7, 2022 The Weather-rice-nutrient integrated decision support system (WeRise) is a web-based application that uses a seasonal climate prediction...Read More
Factors contributing to farm-level productivity and household income generation in coastal Bangladesh’s rice-based farming systems Factors contributing to farm-level productivity and household income generation in coastal Bangladesh’s rice-based farming systems December 17, 2021 The findings highlight the importance of off-farm income as a pathway to move smallholders out of poverty....Read More
Inclusiveness of consumer access to food safety: Evidence from certified rice in Vietnam Inclusiveness of consumer access to food safety: Evidence from certified rice in Vietnam December 13, 2021 “Food safety can no longer be the luxury of the rich since all people should have the...Read More
Financing climate change mitigation in agriculture: assessment of investment cases Financing climate change mitigation in agriculture: assessment of investment cases November 29, 2021 Low emission agriculture development will not be possible without significantly increasing the amount of investment in mitigation...Read More
Productivity and profitability of aromatic rice production in the Philippines Productivity and profitability of aromatic rice production in the Philippines November 12, 2021 The aromatic rice sector has great potential for industry expansion. This potential is important to be explored...Read More
Potential trade policy reforms in Southeast Asian rice markets: Domestic and international impacts Potential trade policy reforms in Southeast Asian rice markets: Domestic and international impacts October 15, 2021 The rice tarrification debate is well-anchored in economic research, but there is still scope for additional work....Read More
Phytosanitary interventions for safe global germplasm exchange and the prevention of transboundary pest spread: The role of CGIAR germplasm health units Phytosanitary interventions for safe global germplasm exchange and the prevention of transboundary pest spread: The role of CGIAR germplasm health units September 6, 2021 The efforts of GHUs in thoroughly testing germplasm accessions for known pests, before their release for international...Read More