Promising management strategies to improve crop sustainability and to amend soil salinity Promising management strategies to improve crop sustainability and to amend soil salinity March 27, 2023 by Ajay Kumar Mishra, Rout George Kerry, Bisworanjita Biswal, Trisha Sinha, Sheetal Sharma, and Mukesh Kumar The...Read More
Diversifying rice-based cropping systems under natural farming in Uttar Pradesh with peppermint Diversifying rice-based cropping systems under natural farming in Uttar Pradesh with peppermint March 16, 2023 by Ajay Kumar Mishra, Pidikiti Pavithra, Khistikanta Rout, and Sheetal Sharma Farmers in the Barabanki Region of...Read More
Improving the sustainability of rice cultivation in Central Thailand with biofertilizers and laser land leveling Improving the sustainability of rice cultivation in Central Thailand with biofertilizers and laser land leveling February 28, 2023 by Anny Ruth Pame, Duangporn Vithoonjit, Nisa Meesang, Carlito Balingbing, Martin Gummert, Nguyen Van Hung, Grant Singleton...Read More
Adoption and performance of direct-seeded rice technology in the Philippines Adoption and performance of direct-seeded rice technology in the Philippines February 20, 2023 by Aerone Philippe Bautista, Alice Mataia, Chona Austria, Marites Tiongco and Alice Laborte Rice is one of...Read More
Yield advantage and economic performance of rice–maize, rice–soybean, and maize–soybean intercropping in rainfed areas of Western Indonesia with a wet climate Yield advantage and economic performance of rice–maize, rice–soybean, and maize–soybean intercropping in rainfed areas of Western Indonesia with a wet climate November 7, 2022 by Erythrina Erythrina, Susilawati Susilawati, Slameto Slameto, Made Delly Resiani, Forita Dyah Arianti, Jumakir Jumakir, Anis Fahri,...Read More
Impact of cropping system diversification on productivity and resource-use efficiencies of smallholder farmers in south-central Bangladesh Impact of cropping system diversification on productivity and resource-use efficiencies of smallholder farmers in south-central Bangladesh September 23, 2022 by Shah-Al Emran, Timothy Krupnik, Sreejith Aravindakshan, Virender Kumar, and Cameron Pittelkow The government of Bangladesh has...Read More
Modification of nutrient requirements for a four crop-based cropping system to increase system productivity, maintain soil fertility, and achieve sustainable intensification Modification of nutrient requirements for a four crop-based cropping system to increase system productivity, maintain soil fertility, and achieve sustainable intensification September 2, 2022 by Md. Abdul Quddus, Md. Babul Anwar, Md. Khairul Alam, Razu Ahmed, Khokan Kumer Sarker, Md. Anarul...Read More
Restoration of rice ecosystem services: Ecological engineering for pest management incentives and practices in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam Restoration of rice ecosystem services: Ecological engineering for pest management incentives and practices in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam August 26, 2022 In southern Vietnam, government support has facilitated the adoption of ecological engineering for pest management by thousands...Read More
TAR VATTAR DSR: An eco-friendly weed-control and water-conservation technology for direct-seeded rice TAR VATTAR DSR: An eco-friendly weed-control and water-conservation technology for direct-seeded rice August 5, 2022 2 Compared to the high cost of labor and inputs for the transplanted rice cropping system, the improved...Read More
Conservation agriculture for rice-based intensive cropping by smallholders in the Eastern Gangetic Plain Conservation agriculture for rice-based intensive cropping by smallholders in the Eastern Gangetic Plain July 4, 2022 In a recent review paper on the practice of conservation agriculture (i.e., minimum mechanical soil disturbance, organic...Read More