A passion for growing rice in Venezuela A passion for growing rice in Venezuela January 1, 2015 Finding a way to increase rice production in the country with the largest petroleum reserves in the...Read More
Making rice more competitive in Latin America Making rice more competitive in Latin America January 1, 2015 “Twenty years is nothing,” say the lyrics of a 1930s’ song. But, in 2015, as the Latin...Read More
Decoding patterns of climate change and rice diseases Decoding patterns of climate change and rice diseases December 1, 2014 International and national rice pathologists, who gathered recently for a training workshop in Burundi, were surprised to...Read More
The new green revolution: A bigger rice bowl The new green revolution: A bigger rice bowl December 1, 2014 A seed of rice that could transform the developing world saved Asha Ram Pal’s farm in the...Read More
IRRI’s new breeding factory IRRI’s new breeding factory December 1, 2014 The road toward global food security is not without challenges. The population will balloon to 9 billion...Read More
Reassessing Japan’s development assistance Reassessing Japan’s development assistance December 1, 2014 What country is a major salmon producer and exporter to Japan? The answer is Chile. And what...Read More
Adding value to Africa’s rice Adding value to Africa’s rice October 15, 2014 About one-third of the food produced in the world never reaches our plates. Not only is this...Read More
Rice revival in the land of maize Rice revival in the land of maize October 1, 2014 Anyone worried about the impacts of trade liberalization on developing-country rice sectors should take a close look...Read More
Harnessing big data for climate change Harnessing big data for climate change October 1, 2014 CGIAR scientists wielding big data tools to blunt the impacts of climate change on Latin America’s rice...Read More
A solid foundation for the next generation of rice researchers A solid foundation for the next generation of rice researchers October 1, 2014 “My ARFUSA experience was extremely enriching for me as I continue with my PhD research on the...Read More