Tools for using the International Rice Genebank to breed for climate-resilient varieties Tools for using the International Rice Genebank to breed for climate-resilient varieties September 25, 2023 by Kenneth L. McNally and Amelia Henry Traditional rice varieties have been critical for developing improved stress-tolerant...Read More
Farmer-led popularization and dissemination of new rice varieties in Telangana help close the seed gap Farmer-led popularization and dissemination of new rice varieties in Telangana help close the seed gap September 18, 2023 by Mosharaf Hossain, Swati Nayak, Divya Gupta, Raja Sekhar G, Sarvesh Shukla, Anirban Nath, and Varsha Singh...Read More
New rice variety creates game-changing opportunities for farmers in the Haor Basin of Bangladesh New rice variety creates game-changing opportunities for farmers in the Haor Basin of Bangladesh August 23, 2023 by Muhammad Ashraful Habib, Tahmina Nahar, Swati Nayak, Subhasmita Mohapatra, and Saidul Islam The Haor Region has been...Read More
Mid-infrared spectroscopy: An effective tool to enhance the Soil Health Card scheme in India Mid-infrared spectroscopy: An effective tool to enhance the Soil Health Card scheme in India August 7, 2023 by Debabrata Nath, Panneerselvam Peramaiyan, and Virender Kumar Periodically assessing the soil’s health is very important to...Read More
The farmers who till the harsh coastal lands of Bangladesh and the salt-tolerant rice varieties that changed their story The farmers who till the harsh coastal lands of Bangladesh and the salt-tolerant rice varieties that changed their story August 1, 2023 by Muhammad Ashraful Habib, Tahmina Akter, and Swati Nayak Rice cultivation in the salt flats of southern...Read More
Mechanized seeding provides farmers with groundbreaking improvements in productivity, profits, and livelihoods Mechanized seeding provides farmers with groundbreaking improvements in productivity, profits, and livelihoods July 18, 2023 by Bidhan K. Mohapatra, Ashok Kumar, Iftikar Wasim and N.C. Banik Bikram Palatasingh. a smallholder farmer in...Read More
Reducing the methane gas emission of rice production Reducing the methane gas emission of rice production July 3, 2023 Alternative production methods could dramatically alter the amount of greenhouse gas methane that rice farming produces. Methane...Read More
Deep sowing of dry direct-seeded rice: cultivar differences in seedling establishment and grain yield Deep sowing of dry direct-seeded rice: cultivar differences in seedling establishment and grain yield May 29, 2023 by Noriko Kanno, Ricardo Garcia, Roel R. Suralta, Aurora M. Corales, Crisanta S. Bueno, Niño P.M.C Banayo,...Read More
Rice variety preferences in Bangladesh: What is the role of public breeders? Rice variety preferences in Bangladesh: What is the role of public breeders? May 15, 2023 by Amlan Biswas, Md. Safiul Islam Afrad, Muhammad Ziaul Hoque, Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Muhammad Ashraful Habib,...Read More
Ecological engineering: An effective package for transitioning from conventional to regenerative agriculture Ecological engineering: An effective package for transitioning from conventional to regenerative agriculture May 8, 2023 by Ajay Kumar Mishra, Pidikiti Pavithra, Manas Ranjan Sahoo, Sheetal Sharma Ecological engineering is a novel approach...Read More