October 28, 2024

1 thought on “Determinants in the adoption of alternate wetting and drying technique for rice production in a gravity surface irrigation system in the Philippines

  1. Thanks for this article.

    I am a 2-hectare leasehold rice farmer in Cabuyao Ciy, not far from IRRI, and the gravity irrigation system has already been abandoned several decades ago. My area now is actually surrounded by subdivisions where we used to have more than two thousand hectares of rice paddies between Laguna de Bay shoreline and the National Highway.

    During rainy days, we have no way to harvest excessive rain water resulting in flooding of rice fields yet dependent on groundwater during dry season.

    Moreover, the water-table has been extremely depleted by the nearby factories making beer, soft-drinks and bottled water.

    Perhaps the AWD study should also consider situations like ours.

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