GRiSP brings together more than 900 partners globally to address the shared goal of reducing poverty and hunger, improving human health and nutrition, reducing the environmental footprint, and enhancing the ecosystem resilience of rice production systems.

The Global Rice Science Partnership (GRiSP) is a strategic plan for impact-oriented rice research for development . The partnership is led by the International Rice Research Institute in collaboration with founding partners the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, the Africa Rice Center, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Centre de Coopération lnternationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD), and L’lnstitut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD).
GRiSP brings together more than 900 partners globally to address the shared goal of reducing poverty and hunger, improving human health and nutrition, reducing the environmental footprint, and enhancing the ecosystem resilience of rice production systems.
GRiSP has more than 400 partners in Asia, where about 90% of the world’s rice is produced and consumed, contributing to six research themes: (1) genetic diversity, (2) better rice varieties, (3) rice and environment, (4) value-added rice, (5) policy and markets, and (6) knowledge and capacity building (see map).
More than half of its partners are in South Asia, with India and Bangladesh having the highest number of collaborators. These include academic institutions, national research and extension systems, the private sector, and civil society groups with a stake in the rice sector.
Mr. Paguirigan is a GIS and database management specialist in Social Sciences Division (SSD). Dr. Laborte is a scientist and GIS specialist in SSD. Dr. Bouman is GRiSP director.