October 28, 2024

9 thoughts on “Stepping up efforts to make the most out of rice straw in the Philippines

  1. Dear Sir / Madam,
    I am from India. Leaving in Western India.

    In our region Lot of Rice is grown and is the main cultivation product in this region. we have lot of Rice Straw leftover during the off season.

    The mentioned process is very much Interesting for India.

    Regarding the same, is it possible to discuss further to have such a Plant / Machinery in India.

    Awaiting for favorable reply.

    With Regards,

  2. THIS IS A REPOST of an article I just read that could help many especially in the Philippines…No burning and cheap economical replacement for wood panels solves some of the illegal logging…A win win…Product is called AMPAN

    Invention turns rice to panel-board
    25 Nov 2016, 4 a.m.
    FARMING BETTER: John Gorman is set to earn farmers an extra dollar by turning rice stubble into panel-board.
    FARMING BETTER: John Gorman is set to earn farmers an extra dollar by turning rice stubble into panel-board.

    AS THE old saying goes, when you have lemons make lemonade.

    One Riverina rice farmer is using the analogy in an effort to turn agricultural waste into a valuable building product.

    Coleambally’s John Gorman’s desire to create agricultural efficiency and put money back into the pockets of farmers led him to his AMPAN invention, aimed at reducing greenhouse emissions through creating a renewable resource to support builders.

    AMPAN transforms rice stubble, which is otherwise burnt in the field after harvest, into environmentally friendly panel-board, allowing farmers to capitalise on what would otherwise be waste.

    The product, which has a similar consistency to chipboard, is made by fracturing rice stubble and bonding it at high pressure with a special resin.

    “We have an option of making use of the whole crop and harvesting 10-to-12 tonnes of rice stubble and making six-to-eight tonnes of building panel,” Mr Gorman said.

  3. Hello, Dr. Hellin!
    How is your RiceStrawPh project? Is it still ongoing, or already commenced?
    I am from the Bicol Region, which is an agriculture region, and I’m interested about rice straw project.

  4. hello, I am a Computer Engineering Student from Pangasinan, I am interested in creating a machine that can make rice straws into disposable tableware. Would someone be able to guide me in this research?

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