A second life for rice husk A second life for rice husk April 1, 2013 The rice husk (or hull) is the outermost layer of the paddy grain that is separated from...Read More
The future faces of rice science The future faces of rice science January 1, 2013 In November 2012, young rice researchers mostly working at IRRI received support in professional development through a...Read More
The power of policy The power of policy April 19, 2008 In the late 1960s, newly developed, high-yielding rice varieties launched the Asian Green Revolution, which rapidly pushed...Read More
Thinking outside the box Thinking outside the box October 13, 2006 The Alarm project will help researchers predict how climate change will affect rice-growing regions such as this...Read More
The whole way The whole way July 24, 2004 The environment will always feel the impact of agriculture, not least of rice farming. Rice is the...Read More
The 2nd Green Revolution The 2nd Green Revolution April 8, 2002 The first Green Revolution substantially increased rice production in the Philippines, using a package of new seeds,...Read More