Profit efficiency of smallholder vegetable farms in Nepal: Implications for improving household income Profit efficiency of smallholder vegetable farms in Nepal: Implications for improving household income February 18, 2022 Vegetable farming is an important sub-sector to increase income, reduce poverty, and improve nutrition, particularly in the...Read More
Staple cereals remain the key to solving global hunger Staple cereals remain the key to solving global hunger February 18, 2021 Global chronic hunger has declined faster than hidden hunger thanks to large-scale food security programs around the...Read More
UPLB honors its best UPLB honors its best March 9, 2015 IRRI joins 106th Foundation Day rites The University of the Philippines Los...Read More
Changing the face of rice Changing the face of rice April 4, 2011 What does it take to attain global food security? This is a question for which rice provides...Read More