The year that put rice back on the map The year that put rice back on the map April 24, 2005 The International Year of Rice has come and gone. The United Nations declared the rice year to...Read More
A dry vision A dry vision April 8, 2005 It is difficult to find an image of rice farming that is not, figuratively speaking, all wet....Read More
Farmers’ Got Talent! Farmers’ Got Talent! April 8, 2005 Cool and collected, Pak (short for an Indonesian word Bapak, which means father or mister) Darwis, a...Read More
Intensify to diversify Intensify to diversify April 7, 2005 Every year since 1995, Cambodia has produced a rice surplus. It is an impressive record given the...Read More
The game of life The game of life April 3, 2005 Imagine, for a moment, that you are a Bhutanese farmer. Farming has been in your family for...Read More
Do lower rice prices help the poor? Do lower rice prices help the poor? April 3, 2005 The price of rice has consistently fallen over the last 40 years. Since the beginnings of the...Read More
Ups and downs: private-sector investment in rice research Ups and downs: private-sector investment in rice research April 3, 2005 Rice is, arguably, the world’s most important food crop. In spite of this prominence, the private sector...Read More
Reason to cheer Reason to cheer October 24, 2004 An American leads 3,000 Bangladeshi farmers in a rising Thai victory chant: “Chai yo! Chai YO! CHAI...Read More
Specific benefits Specific benefits October 24, 2004 The nutrients a rice plant requires for growth and sustenance come mainly from soil, crop residues and...Read More
Saving labor Saving labor October 2, 2004 Living standards can rise only as workers become steadily more productive. For rice farming, improving productivity means...Read More