The value of rice The value of rice October 21, 2010 Andrew Nelson and his team show us a glimpse of the world painted according to numbers, figures,...Read More
Developing new talents Developing new talents October 21, 2010 Kristal Jones, a former Peace Corps volunteer, recently found herself heading back to Asia, where she had...Read More
IRRI in Vietnam IRRI in Vietnam October 1, 2010 Just south of Vietnam’s largest city, Ho Chi Minh City, the great Mekong River meets the South...Read More
Agricultural biodiversity: the lasting legacy of early farmers Agricultural biodiversity: the lasting legacy of early farmers October 1, 2010 Agriculture is often accused of reducing biodiversity. Diverse natural ecosystems are replaced with comparatively uniform farming systems....Read More
Hybridizing the world Hybridizing the world October 1, 2010 It is fair to say that, without a successful hybrid rice program, China would have struggled to...Read More
Global wheat markets in turmoil: What does this mean for rice? Global wheat markets in turmoil: What does this mean for rice? October 1, 2010 The global food situation is making headlines again. However, unlike in 2008, wheat is now the focus of attention because of...Read More
Clearfield technology clears out red rice Clearfield technology clears out red rice September 23, 2010 Rice production is an important part of the agricultural industry in the southern United States, especially in...Read More
Extension goes mobile Extension goes mobile September 22, 2010 After labor, fertilizer is the most expensive input in rice farming. However, as crucial as fertilizer may...Read More
Rice for peace Rice for peace September 21, 2010 The hills of Rwanda are once again alive with the sound of farmers singing as they harvest...Read More
The seed keepers’ treasure The seed keepers’ treasure September 21, 2010 For thousands of years, the indigenous tribes of the mountainous Cordillera region in the northern part of...Read More