Value chains and policy work are crucial to the adoption of Golden Rice and other biofortified genetically modified crops Value chains and policy work are crucial to the adoption of Golden Rice and other biofortified genetically modified crops September 25, 2018 After Golden Rice receives all the required approvals for food, feed, and cultivation and is found to...Read More
Yield increase prospects for rice to 2050 Yield increase prospects for rice to 2050 July 25, 2014 Rice is the most important staple food for more than half the planet’s population, particularly for the...Read More
The state of play: genetically modified rice The state of play: genetically modified rice January 1, 2013 People often argue passionately for or against genetically modified (GM) crops. Rice Today’s aim here is not...Read More
Will Europe’s perspective on GM crops shift? Will Europe’s perspective on GM crops shift? July 1, 2012 Although GM potato with modified starch and Bt maize are currently grown in Germany and Spain, respectively,...Read More