Digital genes Digital genes October 12, 2016 An ambitious project plans to create an online catalog of rice genes in which breeders can choose...Read More
Women on the path to progress Women on the path to progress July 4, 2016 In India, self-help groups have made a tremendous impact on the lives of poor women in rural...Read More
Secret unlocked to underwater rice seed survival Secret unlocked to underwater rice seed survival September 11, 2015 A team of scientists from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the University of California Riverside...Read More
High science and smart policies will alleviate hunger and poverty High science and smart policies will alleviate hunger and poverty July 24, 2015 Science-based improvements in agricultural technology have contributed significantly—across two Green Revolutions—to alleviating hunger and poverty in most...Read More
Genome editing: a new tool for rewriting the DNA code Genome editing: a new tool for rewriting the DNA code July 23, 2015 In the new era of genomic research, “genome editing” technology has been developed, consisting of new tools...Read More
C4 Rice Center interns win top prize at 2015 UST Pharmacy Research Expo C4 Rice Center interns win top prize at 2015 UST Pharmacy Research Expo March 18, 2015 Gericho Soriano and Mau Tanaka won the top prize for their...Read More
Philippines: Deputy head of PBGB specializing in salt stress tolerance in rice joins the February Young Researchers Lunch Philippines: Deputy head of PBGB specializing in salt stress tolerance in rice joins the February Young Researchers Lunch February 25, 2015 The Young Researchers' Lunch hosted Glenn Gregorio, the outgoing deputy head of IRRI's Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology...Read More
Where’s my GM rice? Where’s my GM rice? January 1, 2015 It has been estimated that, for every 1 billion people added to the world’s population, 100 million...Read More
The new green revolution: A bigger rice bowl The new green revolution: A bigger rice bowl December 1, 2014 A seed of rice that could transform the developing world saved Asha Ram Pal’s farm in the...Read More
Upon the 100,000th cross Upon the 100,000th cross January 1, 2013 Before scientists ever started crossing different rice plants, farmers had inadvertently been at it for centuries. By...Read More