Drying with water Drying with water June 6, 2018 IRRI relies on its capacity to stay at the forefront of innovation in research and in the...Read More
Working with Cambodian rice farmers to combat a plague of rodents Working with Cambodian rice farmers to combat a plague of rodents May 30, 2018 By adapting new rodent pest management strategies, Cambodian farmers are now able to defend their rice fields...Read More
STRASA’s innovative approach to faster adoption of modern rice varieties and technologies STRASA’s innovative approach to faster adoption of modern rice varieties and technologies May 14, 2018 Developing new climate-resilient rice varieties and technologies is simply not enough to mitigate the impact of climate...Read More
Precision nutrient management tools help Indian farmers make smart fertilizer decisions Precision nutrient management tools help Indian farmers make smart fertilizer decisions May 2, 2018 Easy-to-use technologies are reducing farmers’ fertilizer wastage, production cost, and impact on the environment.Read More
Rice seed production: What happens in the field? Rice seed production: What happens in the field? April 16, 2018 2 There is a pressing need to look for sustainable ways to accelerate the production, dissemination, and adoption...Read More
From Warige to WeRise: better water management is coming to rainfed rice areas of Indonesia From Warige to WeRise: better water management is coming to rainfed rice areas of Indonesia April 10, 2018 As climate patterns become more unpredictable, rice farmers are relying on a modern way of to forecast...Read More
Mending Asia’s broken rice bowls Mending Asia’s broken rice bowls March 19, 2018 A decade of research demonstrates that “citizen science” has a major role to play in curbing ecosystem...Read More
How rice plants “manage” water under drought How rice plants “manage” water under drought March 12, 2018 4 Because of low rainfall and lack of irrigation infrastructure, water management is often not an option for...Read More
The food-water-energy nexus: Using gravity drainage to intensify production systems in the coastal zone of Bangladesh The food-water-energy nexus: Using gravity drainage to intensify production systems in the coastal zone of Bangladesh February 28, 2018 Sustained economic growth, the quality of life, and the social stability of a rapidly growing Bangladesh depend...Read More
A tool that tracks and stops bacterial blight outbreaks in rice A tool that tracks and stops bacterial blight outbreaks in rice February 13, 2018 A new, faster, and more accurate way of identifying infectious organisms—down to their genetic fingerprint—could finally put...Read More