The origins of Senegal’s dependency on rice imports The origins of Senegal’s dependency on rice imports August 12, 2015 Senegal’s dependence on imported rice is not only about preference toward a more convenient food. It is...Read More
ORYZA model a big hit in global rice research ORYZA model a big hit in global rice research August 6, 2015 2 ORYZA2000, a computer program that simulates growth and development of rice under a wide range of environments,...Read More
Is proximity to IRRI an advantage? Is proximity to IRRI an advantage? August 3, 2015 Empirical evidence shows that being near IRRI has an advantage. Seventy percent of all varieties released in...Read More
Tanzania to lead rice production in Africa Tanzania to lead rice production in Africa August 3, 2015 2 Tanzania is poised to meet the growing demand for rice in Eastern and Southern Africa. It can...Read More
A first look at Asia using Sentinel-1A satellite imagery A first look at Asia using Sentinel-1A satellite imagery July 30, 2015 Sentinel-1A, a radar imaging satellite, is an important tool for rice mapping and monitoring. It can provide...Read More
Edward Pulver: Searching for the heart of yield Edward Pulver: Searching for the heart of yield July 30, 2015 Dr. Pulver is a scientist with a global mission: improve farmers’ lives by raising crop yields. His...Read More
High science and smart policies will alleviate hunger and poverty High science and smart policies will alleviate hunger and poverty July 24, 2015 Science-based improvements in agricultural technology have contributed significantly—across two Green Revolutions—to alleviating hunger and poverty in most...Read More
Partnership-driven science Partnership-driven science July 24, 2015 Many countries have greatly benefited from the agricultural technology developed at IRRI with the support of traditional...Read More
What are the sustainability implications of closing rice yield gaps? What are the sustainability implications of closing rice yield gaps? July 22, 2015 With increasing human population and decreasing agricultural land area, there is worldwide pressure to increase food production...Read More
India must use science-based improvements to improve agriculture India must use science-based improvements to improve agriculture June 5, 2015 Science-based improvements in agricultural technology have been at the forefront of alleviating hunger and poverty. The first...Read More