October 28, 2024

3 thoughts on “The benefits of climate-resilient organic methods: A farmer’s success story

  1. ऋषि और कृषि परम्परा के संवाहक के रूप में आप उत्कृष्ट कार्य कर रहे हैं, साथ ही साथ अन्य किसानों के लिए आप प्रेरणा के बड़े स्त्रोत भी है।
    आपका यह भागीरथ प्रयास आगे चलकर सभी के लिए मील का पत्थर साबित होगा।

    अनंत मंगल शुभकामनाएं……..

  2. What parameters have been studied for improvement of soil health at farmer’s field after adopting 15 years of organic farming. That information will enhance the real Scientific knowledge.

    1. We very much appreciate Dr Arora for flagging our organic farmer story, this farmer is already an organic certified form and getting many awards and getting high yields. On behalf of IRRI-SARC, we have collected soil samples from the organic and a nearby control plot to understand the soil dynamics and physicochemical and biological indicators. Once we have the data we are happy to share it with you, we are sure it will reflect an evidence-based message.

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